The first time I met Katrin and Achim I knew that this would be a fun wedding. The two of them kept smirking and laughing, telling me the story of how they met and how they wanted their wedding day to be, all the while stealing adorable glances at each other. Although they didn't want anything too fancy, they decided to get married in a medieval castle here in Switzerland. And since we have quite a few of those around, some bigger, some smaller, this is not as exclusive as it may sound ;) Still, it's a gorgeous location for exchanging your vows. And that they did in a wonderful, fun way.
Their officiant managed to have the whole wedding party laughing tears, especially after he decided mid-way through the ceremony that this was the perfect moment to make a Gin Tonic. Yup, you read that right. Thanks to him I can now add "explaining what love is by the example of a Gin Tonic" to the list of things I never expected seeing or hearing at a wedding and yet did. And to be fair to him, it was already almost 3pm by the time he made the drinks for the couple. Out of all the fun moments at this wedding, I think that's the one I will remember best.
After the ceremony and the reception, which was held in an ancient wine-cellar, Katrin, Achim and I walked around the castle grounds and found a few sweet spots for our couples-shoot. Because the weather was slightly stormy the clouds made for an amazing, almost dramatic backdrop.
“Don’t be worried if the forecast says your wedding day might get a little wind or rain - if you hire a professional photographer, he or she will know how to work the weather to your advantage and you might get the most unforgettable photos out of it. ”
At Katrin and Achim's wedding we actually got so lucky that we could let some balloons fly (and steal a little bit of that helium to make fun videos with the bride and groom, but that's a different story) before it started raining and the wedding party went off to their dinner. It was a great day with a wonderful couple. Thanks for all the laughs!
Location: Schloss Habsburg
Dress: Ivory
Hair & Make-Up: done by a friend
Bridal shoes: Rainbow Club
Groom's shoes: Hugo Boss
Suit: Bugatti
Rings: Goldschmiede Claus Betz, Freiburg
Flowers: Blueme Kari
Officiant: Philipp Erne from conversion