I'd love to hear from you
even if it's just to say hello
Hi, I'm Sandra. I love snow and sunsets, the sea and the mountains. Traveling fills my heart with joy but I’m just as happy being cuddled up under my blanket at home. I won't say no to a hot chocolate (with whipped cream, please!), could spend hours binge-watching my favorite TV-series and I love to spend weekends playing volleyball or boardgames. Depends on what kind of weekend it is, right? Cooking helps me relax and there's never enough cookbooks to have. I'd love to be a talented bullet-journaler but that just doesn't seem to be for me. What else? I love washi tape, could eat Avocado with anything and I'm normally a hugger, so be prepared when we meet. If you want to make me happy, invite me to an Escape Room and a walk with a pup afterwards (or some Sushi if no dog is available) and you’ve made a friend in me. That’s why of my 2022-highlights was definitely the wedding where the couple and I solved an Escape Room on their wedding day!
I got into photography when I was a teenager and knew that's what I wanted to do for a living. It's a challenging and creative job and I wouldn't want to do anything else.
And after I told you a little about what I like it's time to let you know a few things I can't stand. Above all: cilantro. I mean nature, how could you? It's a big no-go and probably the only thing I am really picky about eating. Then there's my procrastination that I'd like to get a grip on - but I'll probably do that tomorrow. Oh, and mornings. Yes, I know, the beautiful light and everything but I am just not a morning person. At all.
Any questions, suggestions or stories to tell? Drop me a line through this contact-form and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
I speak English.
Ich spreche Deutsch.
Parlo italiano.
Mówię po polsku.
Hablo un poquito español.
Je parle un peu Français.
Und natürlich red ich au Schwiizerdütsch.
I am based in beautiful
Baden, Switzerland
But I'd love to travel to wherever
your special day is taking place
to make memories for and with you.